Dr. B.R Ambedkar /Ambadkar Full Question and Answer - part 09

  1. Who is known as the Father of Indian Constitution ?

  2. Who is known as the Prime Architect of Indian Constitution ?

  3. Who is known as Modern Manu ?

  4. Who is known as Modern Buddha ?

  5. Ambedkar was popularly known as ?

  6. Ambedkar was born on ?

  7. Ambedkar was born at ?

  8. Ambedkar Jayanthi was celebrated on ?

  9. Father's Name ?

  10. Mother's Name ?

  11. Wife's Name ?

  12. Which Caste did Ambedkar belongs to ?

  13. Name of the newspaper/Publication started by Ambedkar ?

  14. The founder of Bahishkrit Hitakarni Sabha ?

  15. The Indian leader participate in the three Round Table Conference ?

  16. Ambedkar and Gandhiji signed Poona pact on ?

  17. The founder of Independent Labour Party (1936) ?

  18. The founder of All India Scheduled Caste Federation ?

  19. The laeader of Mahad Movement ?

  20. Name the Indian leader who burned copies of Manu Smriti ?

  21. The Chairman of the Drafting Committee ?

  22. Drafting Committee was appointed on ?

  23. Who called Article 32 as “The Fundamental of the Fundamental Rights” ?

  24. Who called Article 32 as “The heart and soul of the Indian Constitution” ?

  25. Who called Directive Principles as “Novel Features of the Indian Constitution” and “Instrument of Instructions” ?

  26. Who raised the slogan “Tell the slave, He is a slave and we will revolt” ?

  27. The first Law Minister of Independent India ?

  28. Ambedkar adopted Buddhism as his religion in ?

  29. Ambedkar was died on ?

  30. Ambedkar was died at ?

  31. Death anniversary of Ambedkar is celebrated as ?

  32. Resting place of Ambedkar was ?

  33. Famous books of Ambedkar ?

  34. Dr. B.R Ambedkar received Bharat Ratna posthumously in ?

  35. The famous movie Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was directed by ?

  36. The role of Dr. B.R Ambedkar was played by ?

  37. Who inaugurates Dr. B.R Ambedkar International Center in New Delhi ?

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