Important / Expected General Science Questions - 05

1. A metal that liberates hydrogen from cold water is ___ ?

2. The twinkling of star is due to ?

3. Dry Thorn forest is found in areas with ?

4. Metal with lowest melting point ?

5. Jaundice is a symptom of ________ ?

6. On going up to a mountain, the height of the mercury column in a barometer ___ ?

7. The maximum concentration of Ozone is found on the ___ ?

8. Te first artificial heart Jarvik -7 was developed by ?

9. The embryologist who created 'Dolly' the first clone of a sheep ?

10. Forest is known as ______ ?

11. Negative electrode of a dry cell is known as ?

12.The coagulation of egg while cooking is due to ?

13. Global warming is caused by ?

14. The chemically formed sedimentary rock is ___ ?

15. The instrument used to measure the depth of sea ?

16. Escape velocity of the earth is ?

17. Rain water takes the shape of spherical drops because of ?

18. Surface tension of water ?

19. When ice melts, it's volume ____ ?

20. ___ type rocks could be formed by deposits of animal shells and skeletons ?

21. Water pipes burst in severe winter at hill stations because ?

22. The retreating monsoon withdraws itself from ?

23. The center part of an Atom ?

24. Friction can be reduced by changing over from ?

25. The element which is kept in wax ?

26. First aircraft which can fly with solar energy ?

27. "Silver fish" is a ?

28. The blue colour of the sky is due to ?

29. Best conductor of electricity ?

30. Spring balance is used to measure ?

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