Kerala PSC Civil Police Officer Question and Answer Key 2018 (Cat- 653/17 and 657/2017(22-07-2018)

  1. Who was given the title 'Kavithilakam' by Maharaja of Cochin ?

  2. The book 'Moksha Pradeepam' is authored by ?

  3. Where was the first branch of 'Brahma Samaj' started in Kerala ?

  4. The only one district in Kerala produce tobacco ?

  5. Ukai dam located in which river ?

  6. Chutak Hydro Electric project being constructed by NHPC IN Kargil on the river ?

  7. Considering sea transport, GPS stands for ?

  8. Anshi National park is situated in the state of ?

  9. The first Indian private airport to launch flight to China ?

  10. National Research Center for Banana is located at ?

  11. Pagal Panthi Movement was of ?

  12. Which Indian state was ruled by the Ahom Dynasty ?

  13. which Mountain range separates the Indo Gangetic Plain from Deccan Plateau ?

  14. The tidal port of India ?

  15. The Jarawas was tribal people of ?

  16. Who among the Delhi Sultans was known as Lakh Baksh ?

  17. The Indian classical music work Ragdarpan was translated into Persian during the reign of ?

  18. The Indian Institute of Horticulture Research is located at ?

  19. The treaty of Seaguli defined the relation of British India with which among the neighbors ?

  20. The Regulation XVII passed by the British government was related to ?

  21. The Sarabandhi Campaign of 1922 was lead by ?

  22. Digital India Programme was launched on ?

  23. Indian Government issued Dowry Prohibition Act in the Year ?

  24. Where was the Universal Declaration of Human rights adopted ?

  25. Who was the Chairman of Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee Constituent Assembly ?

  26. Which Article empowers the President to appoint Prime minister of India ?

  27. Who did not serve as the Vice president before becoming president of India (S. Radhakrishnan, R. Venkataraman, Neelam Sanjeev Reddy, Zakir Hussain) ?

  28. "Pipavav" in Gujarat is best known for ?

  29. Which place Alakananda and Bhagirathi meets and take name Ganga ?

  30. In which river India's largest river line Island Majuli is situated ?

  31. Which dam is not on the River Krishna (Nagarjuna Sagar, Almatti, Krishnaraja Sagar, Srisailam) ?

  32. Maulavi Ahamadulla led the 1857 Revolt in ?

  33. The Wahabi and Kuka movement witnessed during the Viceroyality of ?

  34. National Human rights commission is formed in ?

  35. which programme given the slogan 'Garibi Hatao' ?

  36. Which was launched with the objective of helping the poor in rural areas to become self employed (TRYSEM, DPAP, IRDP, DDP) ?

  37. Which is the regulator of the credit rating agencies in India ?

  38. Who proposed the Preamble before the drafting Committee of the Constitution ?

  39. NITI Aayog the new name of Planning Commission established in the Year ?

  40. Headquarters of Bharatiya Mahila Bank ?

  41. Joint Military exercise of India and Nepal ?

  42. Kirobo is the World's first talking robot, it was developed by ?

  43. Bhimbetka famous for Rock Shelters and Cave Painting located at ?

  44. India's Largest National Park Hemis situated in ?

  45. The Union Territory that scatters in three states ?

  46. who recommended formation of Uni-lingual State of Punjab for Punjabi speaking people ?

  47. Who were popularly known as Red Shirts ?

  48. Which of the following exercised profound influence in farming Indian Constitution ?

  49. India's Multipurpose Telecommunication Satellite INSAT-2E launched ?

  50. First Hydro-Electric Power Plant of India ?

  51. India's first jute mill was founded in 1854 in ?

  52. The Governor General who brought General Service Enlistment Act ?

  53. Which European officer defeated Rani Lakshmibai of Jhanai during the Revolt of 1857 ?

  54. The most largest tribal rebellion in British India was ?

  55. The world book fest of 2017 held at ?

  56. The author of 'The Quest For A World Without Hunger' ?

  57. The cyclone that was formed in Bay of Bengal on May 2017 ?

  58. The country that handover the historical digital record 'Monsoon Correspondence' to India ?

  59. Venue of World Economic forum 2017 ?

  60. Shalimar Garden at Srinagar was raised by ?

  61. The verb form of 'Courage' ?

  62. Feminine word of 'Horse' ?

  63. Indirect speech of "What is your name ?" Asked the policeman ?

  64. Raju has _____ motives in collecting funds for poor people ?

  65. We were _____ Bangalore for three years ?

  66. Opposite word of "Alleviate" ?

  67. meaning of the Idiom "Bone of Contention" ?

  68. Synonym of 'Whet' ?

  69. The girls as well as the teacher _____ visited the orphanage ?

  70. Find out the adverb ' Ramu is so weak but he runs fast' ?

  71. Let us sing a song, _____? ?

  72. ____ pen you want is out of stock ?

  73. Passive form of 'Sita has bought a pen' ?

  74. One word for a person punished for the mistake of others ?

  75. The meaning of "Call on" ?

  76. Choose the correct sentence ?

  77. _____ you touch the ceiling? ?

  78. Correct spelling- ?

  79. If you worked hard, ______ ?

  80. Translate into Malayalam 'Simi has been dancing since morning' ?

  81. What number should be added to 2/7 to get 3/14 ?

  82. simplify (5-1 + 6-1) (1/5)-1 ?

  83. Janaki and Janu can do a piece of work in 8 days, Janaki alone can do it in 12 days. How long would Janu take to do the same work ?

  84. If 45% of the students in a school are boys and no of girls is 1100, find out no of boys ?

  85. one sixth of a certain number decreased by 5 is equal to 2. Find the number ?

  86. Which term of the sequence /3,3,3,/3 ___ is 729 ?

  87. The average of three numbers is 20. If each of these numbers is doubled. What is the average ?

  88. Find the compound interest on 2000 for 2 years at 15% per annum compounded annually ?

  89. If cost price of 25 books is equal to selling price of 20 books, then calculate the gain or loss percent ?

  90. The side of an equilateral triangle is 16 cm, Find out the length of its altitude ?

  91. If RANGE is coded as 12345, Then ANGER is ?

  92. Find odd one - 8, 27, 16, 64 ?

  93. It was Friday on 4th December 2015. What was the day on 4th December 2016 ?

  94. If a mirror shows 11.15, what is the exact time ?

  95. Brick: House, Protein:_____ ?

  96. If A stands for +, B stends for - , C stands for x, then what is the value of (10C4) A (4C4) ?

  97. Pointing to a man, a woman said his mother is the only daughter of my mother, how is the woman related to the man ?

  98. Value of 0.555555 ÷0.11 ?

  99. Arun turned left after walking 10 m and covered a distance of 6 m, then turned right and covered a distance of 20 m. In the end he was moving towards the West. From which direction did Arjun Started his journey ?

  100. Find the angle made by the minute hand in 50 minutes ?

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