Police Constable /Assistant Grade /Secretariat Assistant Important / Expected /Previous Chemistry Question = 10

1. Which sodium compound is used in Fire Extinguishers ?

2. Which inert gas is used to fill in electric bulbs with nitrogen ?

3. The blocks of which metal are used to protect harmful emissions from radioactive minerals ?

4. Color of Ozone molecule is ?

5. What is known as "Baking soda" ?

6. What is known as "Washing soda"?

7. Which element is used for Nuclear reactor tubes ?

8. Which poisonous gas affects the Hemoglobin of blood ?

9. Slaked lime is chemically known as ?

10. Who arranged the elements, in their increasing order of atomic weight ?

11. The metal used in storage batteries is ?

12. In which direction does Rainbow appear in the morning ?

13. The gas dissolved in water that makes it basic is ?

14. In mammals ammonia produced by metabolism is converted into urea in the ?

15. Which gas formed when Potassium Permanganate is heated ?

16. The mixture of Potassium carbonate and Sodium carbonate is known as ?

17. Gypsum is chemically known as ?

18. Which halogen is a liquid at room temperature ?

19. Which reducing agent is used for extraction of highly reactive metal from their ores ?

20. Which element has the maximum number of natural Isotopes ?

21. Detergents are sodium and potassium salts of ?

22. Downs process is used for the extraction of ?

23. The symbol "Fe" indicates ?

24. The symbol "Ag" indicates ?

25. The symbol "Hg" indicates ?

26. The symbol "Au" indicates ?

27. The symbol "K" indicates ?

28. The symbol "Sb" indicates ?

29. The symbol "Pb" indicates ?

30. The pungent smell emitted while scratching the matchbox ?

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