1. Treaty signed in 1963 which banned nuclear tests in the atmosphere, under water and in space, but not underground ?

2. POTA means ?

3. Name of the country which launched its first pilot carbon trading scheme ?

4. Supreme court granted the Right to Negative Voting on ?

5. Capital of Costa Rica ?

6. Who was decorated with bravery award by World Peace and Prosperity Foundation ?

7. Which country is joined as the 28th member state of European union on 1 July 2013 ?

8. Name of the country which win the ICC Women's World Cup ?

9. The Indian Independent bill was passed by the British Parliament on ?

10. The percentage of persons below poverty line in India ?

11. The Article related to Right to Education ?

12. The President of the Indian Constituent Assembly ?

13. The members of Rajya Sabha are elected by the ?

14. The system of Ombudsman was first introduced in ?

15. The National Commission for Women in India was formed in the year ?

16. The chairman of the State Public Service Commission was appointed by ?

17. Which types of Right have been described as "First Generation Rights" ?

18. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with Directive Principles of State Policy ?

19. The first Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission ?

20. The Right to Information Act was passed in India in the year ?

21. The essential constituent of all Atoms ?

22. The distance of stars from Earth is expressed generally interms of ?

23. High boiling point of water is due to ?

24. In a electrochemical cell, there is the conversion of ?

25. Wood charcoal is used in the gas masks because ?

26. The disease caused by Protozoa (Malaria, Aids, Typhoid, NT) ?

27. The protein solution on warming with concentrated Nitric acid may turn yellow called ?

28. The same group elements are characterised by ?

29. Acetyl Saiocyclic acid is known as ?

30. The number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to saponify one gram of a fat or oil ?

31. "KASI" is situated on the banks of ?

32. Name of the mountain pass which provide access from Wayanad in Kerala to Mysore in Karnataka ?

33. Konark Sun temple is situated in ?

34. The first National Park in India ?

35. The first Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of India ?

36. Who was the Governor General of India during the time of Revolt of 1857 ?

37. The founder of Aligarh Movement ?

38. The Newspaper published by Annie Basant ?

39. The leader of Salt Satyagraha in Kerala was ?

40. The Lahore session of the congress was held in the year ?

41. The limit of micro-Credit to a beneficiary under the Mahila Samridhi Yojana Scheme is ?

42. Allotment of an Indira Awas Yojana (IAY) house (a. May be solely in the name of the women, b. Shall be jointly in the name of housband and wife except in the case of a widow, unmarried, separated person, c. Both A and B, d. None of this) ?

43. Services under the ICDS Programme are rendered through ?

44. Which Scheme has as its objective the integrated development of selected SC majority Villages (a. VAMBAY b. PMAGY C. SGRY d. IAY) ?

45. The Chairman of the Governing Body of Kudumbashree Mission is ?

46. Which of the following is a Scheme for providing self employment to educated unemployed youth ?

47. An IAY house shall not be alienated for a period of ?

48. Who amoung the following is entitled as of right of an "Antyodaya Card"(a. BPL Social Category b. A primitive tribe c. A person above the age of 65 years d. All the above) ?

49. The Nodel officer at the district level for the implementation of the National Food for Work Programme is ?

50. Which Scheme aims to provide food security for all through Public Distribution System ?

51. Bharata Puzha originates from the ?

52. Ezhimala situated to North of ?

53. The Kerala - Tamilnadu relations developed through the ?

54. The author of Adi Bhasha ?

55. The first of the temples consecrated by Sree Narayana Guru ?

56. In which year was Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangam found ?

57. The founder of Atmavidya Sangam ?

58. Who was the founder of Swadeshabhimani ?

59. The founder of Ananda Mahasabha ?

60. The drama written by V.T. Bhattathiripad ?

61. Which computer language is used for Artificial Intelligence among the following (a. FORTAN b. C c. COBOL d.PROLOG) ?

62. Who invented the high level programming language C ?

63. UNIVAC means ?

64. Binary number of the decimal number 15 is ?

65. 1's complement of the 1011 ?

66. In a client/server computer network, the users computer is usually called ?

67. The extension of .Com, .edu, .net etc are usually called ?

68. FTP stands for ?

69. Hacking and Email spoofing is a ____?

70. What is a firewall protection ?

71. "Dark Horse" means ?

72. I was born __ Mumbai (at, in, on, from) ?

73. Indirect speech - "You may leave the room", said the principal ?

74. Correct the sentence:- I would pay up if I was you ?

75. This is ___ book I was searching for (a, an, the, that) ?

76. Use the correct form of adjective:- He is the __ person I have ever met (smart, smarter, smartest) ?

77. Passive voice:- They are rebuilding the school ?

78. The police __ questioning the suspect (is, are, has, have) ?

79. The antonym of "Acquit" is ?

80. A wide road with trees on either side is called ?

81. Jafar can complete a work in 6 days. Syam came complete the same work in 3 days. In how many days they together can complete the work ?

82. A train of length 100m runs at a spred of 120 km/hr from North to South. Another train of length 150m travels with a speed of 80 km/hr from South to North. What is the time required to cross each other ?

83. A metallic right circular cone of volume 36⚻ is melt into a sphere. What is the surface area of that sphere ?

84. 4 years ago Ramu's age is the square root of his father's age. Now the age of Ramu and his father are in the ratio 1:4. Then what is Ramu's age ?

85. What is the smallest number divisible by 8,9 and 12 ?

86. Which one is divisible by both 6 and 15 (1215, 1720, 2160, 3260) ?

87. H.C.F of 24, 48 and 60 is (6,8,12,24) ?

88. If the surface area and volume of sphere are in the ratio 1:2, what is the radius of the sphere (2,3,5,6) ?

89. A merchant sells two dolls of price respectively Rs 100 and Rs 150 with a profit of 30% on first and a loss of 30% on second. What is his net profit/loss (6% loss, 6% gain, 15% loss, 15% gain ) ?

90. 1st January 2013 is Tuesday. How many Tuesday are there in 2013 ?

91. Starting from a place P, a man travels 4 km towards North then turns towards right and travels 5 km. After that he turns towards right and travels 8km. What is his current position with respect to P ?

92. Find the next term:- 4,9,25,49, __ (81, 121, 138, 1024) ?

93. Find the odd one out: - 8425, 6325, 7225, 9225 ?

94. Find the next term :- B, C,E,G,K,___ (L,K,N,O) ?

95. APPLE = 512161601 then MANGO = ____ (1507140113, 1570160103, 1571144113, NT) ?

96. (/8 + /2)2 = ___ (18, 16, 18/2, 16/2) (/8 Means Root 8) ?

97. If 14th April 2013 is Sunday, 20th September 2013 is ?

98. Man is related to Brain, then Computer is related to (Monitor, RAM, UPS, CPU) ?

99. Kavya is elder than Veena, Anu is younger than Kuttan and Veena is elder than Kuttan, Who is the eldest (Anu, Kuttan, Veena, Kavya) ?

100. If we arrange the numbers 1,2,6,3,5,2,4,9 in ascending order, how many numbers keeps the same position (1,2,3,4) ?

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