Talgo train - 1

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1. The fastest train in India
Answer : Talgo train

2.  Full form of TALGO
Answer : Tren Articulado Ligero Goicoechea Oriol

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3. The Founders of TALGO company
Answer : Alejandro Goicoechea and Jose Luis Oriol

4. Headquarters of  TALGO company
Answer : Las Rozas de Madrid (Spain)

5. The first high speed train to run in central Asia
Answer : Talgo 250 (Uzbekistan)

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6. Talgo train first test run in India
Answer :
Madura to palwal
Speed = 180 kmph
Covering distance = 84 km in 38 minutes

7. Main advantage of Talgo trains
Answer :
a. Achieve higher speed on curves
b. Less maintenance
c. Lower energy consumption

www.pscgk.in      www.pscgk.in

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