Right to Information Act,Indian Constitution - 03

1. Central Information Commission was came into force on ?

2. The Right to Informmation is associated with which fundamental right ?

3. Right to Information Act was passed on ?

4. Right to Information Act came into force on ?

5. The first country to pass Right to Information Act was ?

6. The first State in India to pass RTI Act ?

7. The organisation which was struggled for the demand for the RTI Act in India ?

8. The RTI Act is applicable to all States except ?

9. The founder of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan in Rajastan ?

10. The application fee for getting Information under Right to Information Act was ?

11. To get an information, An application should be given to ?

12. In normal case applicant can obtain information within __ days ?

13. In a matter of Life or Liberty of a person applicant can obtain information within __ hours ?

14. The first appeal should be filed with in ___ days from the decision of the PIO ?

15. The second appeal should be filed with in ___ days from the decision of the PIO ?

16. Head Quarters of Central Information Commission is situated at ?

17. Term of the Central Chief Information Commissioner ?

18. The first Central Chief Information Commissioner of India ?

19. The Second Central Chief Information Commissioner of India ?

20. The first woman Central Chief Information Commissioner of India ?

21. The Second woman Central Chief Information Commissioner of India ?

22. The first Central Chief Information Commissioner of India ?

23. Main Organisations Exempted from RTI Act are ?

24. The Central Chief Information Commissioner and Commissioners are appointed on the recommendation of a committee, the committee consisting of ?

25. 25. The Central Chief Information Commissioner and other Central Information Commissioners to be appointed by ?

26. Kerala State Information Commission has been constituted by under section __ of the RTI Act ?

27. Kerala State Information Commission was formed on ?

28. The State Chief Information Commissioner and other State Information Commissioners to be appointed by ?

29. The first Chief Information Commissioner of Kerala ?

30. The Present Chief Information Commissioner of Kerala ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Question No: 18 & 22

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